Hi guys, I have been looking to buy a used luxury car for my wife so that we can have a nice car for long drives then my car for my econo commute. I have been looking at everything from Lincoln Navigators(gas, WOW!) to Cadillac De Villes(my hair is not grey, YET!) to BMW's(can you say plastic) not even considering a Jaguar once. Last night though, I noticed a 1996 Jaguar XJ6 that was in perfect condition and for a very good price at that! I started to read a little bit about it and learned that it might just be the perfect car for me! I like sports cars but wanted something smooth riding this time instead of the jolty rides I am used to. The Jaguar appears to offer the best of both worlds and I am now going to be taking it for a drive to night. As I said, the car is a '96 XJ6 with 105,000km's on it and is perfect condition, at least in appearance. It is listed for $13995. Apparently the car was purchased by the owner of the dealership who is an ex-Jaguar master mechanic(all according to the saleperson)and he bought it specifically for re-sale on his lot.
My questions are:
is there anything specific I should look for tonight when I take the car for a drive?
Does the price sound right?
Am I getting myself into expensive repairs?

I am not rich by any means and do not usually buy luxury cars. But I wanted to try owning a used luxury car for a while just for short 1 hour trips we take regularly and for my wife and daughter to do running around in safely. This car sounds like the right car to me, do you think so?

I regularly do Slalom racing and drag racing in my car, so performance is usually a requirement but I want luxury, not a bouncy ride. Is the Jag THEE car?

Thanks in advacne for any advice you can give me. I am a car enthusiast and you never know, I might just become a Jag guy!

Submitted by NC43-62049 on Tue, 07/04/2006 - 19:55

I bought the Jag for my wife and it is her favourite gift ever. Woman love to have their own Jag.

Some of the things I have noticed:

1. If you enjoy a Jag, you WILL end up owning more than one or two or ...

2. Jag parts are expensive or very expensive leading to lot of scrounging

3. Jags punish owners who inherit or persist in poor maintenance habits
(like me).

Dan Lokun
Toronto, Canada
Her 90 XJ-S