Congratulations to Barbara Grayson and all the other members of the Jaguar Owners Club of Oregon, who put on a fabulous Western States Meet in Bend OR last week. The venue was superb, the scenery spectacular, the weather was fine, all the events and functions ran smoothly, the food was great, and all the people were very friendly. We were very well taken care of, and I can't imagine how it could have been better.

Thanks to everything who had a part in the success that this event was.

Doug Ingram
Jaguar Car Club of Victoria
Victoria BC Canada
JCNA Regional Director

Submitted by NW41-38077J on Tue, 07/18/2006 - 03:14

Edited on 2006-07-18 3:19:07

Edited on 2006-07-18 3:16:48

If you haven't attended a Western States Meet you're missing out, especially one hosted by the Jaguar Owners Club of Oregon. The JOCO Team did a fantastic job on all the events of the meet. Barbara Grayson should be proud of her management skills executing a multitude of details. The Western States Meet is composed of many events squeezed into a few days. There was a reception, concours, barbecue lunch, cocktail party, awards dinner, rally, tour, another lunch, slalom, another cocktail party, costume dinner and breakfast. They had a Jaguar washing station with 10 hoses. They even arranged for perfect weather. It had to be a scheduling nightmare. I don't see how they did it. There wasn't one hiccup in anything. An event like this takes many months of hard work to pull off. What a fun 4 days. All of us that attended owe many thanks to the JOCO Team.

Ray & Linda Papineau
Jaguar Drivers & Restorers Club of Northwest America