XJS Lovers,
OK, it was close to 100 F yesterday as my wife and I drove about 40 minutes to the Jag concours in Lincolnshire - sans AC. It was HOT. Upon our return, I started checking the internet for AC service places and ended talking to a seemingly knowledgeable guy at Jiffy Lube, about 1/2 mile from my home.

Bottom line - $135 recharge, and it now blows ice cold. Also warranteed. I watched the entire process, which was pretty simple with the right equipment and took about one hour. In case any one local needs the same - it's Jiffy Lube on Green BY Rd. in Wilmette, IL

Marshall Moretta
'96 XJS 4.0 Convertible

Submitted by bonnettoboot@e… on Sun, 07/30/2006 - 13:05

Marshall; if it needed recharging it means the freon had leaked out, where from? Unless the leak was found it will just lose it again. IL is probably more expensive as here in Los Angeles a top up costs $75? Jaguar affectionado and etc.