My 1987 xj6 VDP sunroof when fully closed the back right corner is below the roof line leaving a small gap that won't seal. I ried closing and opening to see if was off track but it still closes wrong. Any ideas?

Peter Phaneuf
Atlanta Georgia

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 03/11/2018 - 07:15

I have a Jaguar S-Type / 2001, the problem is with the sunroof that by pressing the button, it does NOT close completely and I always have one part open.
I have opened the panel above and disconnected it, and cleaned and sanded the pins and ... Nothing!
still the same, could you help me see how I can close it completely

Please have me desperate and here in Iceland with this weather ... tremendous to keep with that window open !!

Waiting for a quick solution


Submitted by zurdo_1@univis… on Mon, 12/11/2006 - 08:48

haaa! it came in the inner trunk (the "boot"), behind the vertical upholstery cover that has two black "thumb" screws (yeahh, you try and remove those screws with your thumb! they should be called "Coin" screws, because you need something as thick and as large as a Coin to turn them).

Behind that upholstery cover is where the EFI computer and many other circuits are mounted. The rear of The sunroof motor is also there, and near the motor, you might find the Crank Tool, strapped to one of the vertical-support-posts there. One of those vertical posts has a square hole into which the square end of the Crank Tool was pushed into, then it was strapped to avoid rattling. Smart ehh?

Good luck finding it, by now most have been lost or dissapeared but you can still get a new one as shown in the picture. (I think this is only for the Series 3 XJ-6 and 12 cars). (and up to 1987).

The way to use it, is to attach the flat Square end of the Crank tool to the bottom shaft of the sunroof motor, then turn it (crank it) clockwise or counterclockwise to manually open or close it. It is kind of fastidious to have to remove the cover, then the crank tool, then crank the motor (similar to cranking a motor in a 1910's Model T), laying on your back or stomach, but if the sunroof motor fails with the sunroof OPEN, you would be glad to be able to close it by hand and your opinion about Jaguar would show in your smile!

Submitted by zurdo_1@univis… on Sat, 12/09/2006 - 14:53

you'll need to re-set the adjustments, there are 4 phillips screws at the front edge of the sunroof body panel, open the sunroof to maximum to remove them; once you remove those, move the sunroof back to almost closed, leaving some room to push the sunroof body panel up, then lift it up and forward to remove it from the car. Then you can see the tracks and adjustments and maybe the reason that one corner stays down, by comparing it with the opposite side. I suggest you get a Service Manual for the adjustments procedure, unless you think you can figure it out. It really is straightforward, nothing so difficult. When ready to reassemble, lubricate the panel Seal with any rubber reviver, make sure it is seated correctly, etc.

Trivia: the Series 3 XJ-6 came from the factory with a sunroof Crank Tool to open it manually if the motor fails. (see picture below). They came sort of "hidden in a secret place".