Hello; just joined last week after purchasing my first Jaguar. A Black '95 xjs convertible; all seems great; good history records and mechanical exams gave good reviews. 100K miles and great shape and love it as I had hoped. I have 3 questions I haven't seen specifically on any of the forum posts and would appreciate anyone's input. First; the " idiot lights" display bar at top of the instrument panel has frosted finish and that makes it almost impossible to see the lights during the day with top up or down. At night they all work and are visible. Is this normal? Second; it has a newly installed battery; is this why I am unable to reprogram the Alpine radio presets or get the full scan function to work( have tried all the advice in the manual)? Third; the defroster blows very little but can hear a motor come on; all other AC/Heat operation seems normal.

Sorry to be a little wordy; thank you in advance for any thoughts and Happy Holidays! David Harris, Mooresville NC

Submitted by ken_cantor@hot… on Fri, 12/22/2006 - 14:33


Can't help you on the first two questions but on the third the radios in the Series III cars need to have their own id number entered (using the station preset numbered buttons on the radio) before they can be used/reproprammed after losing all power. There used to be a credit card sized card similar to the owners card in the manual pouch/wallet with the correct number for your radio. If my memory is correct, it is a four digit number and it may be written on/in the manual or with it if the card is missing. Failing that, I believe a dealer can determine the number but they may have to take out the radio to look at its serial number.

Good Luck,


Kenneth L. Cantor
1992 Series III V12 VDP (No. 24 of 100)
ex 1987 Series III V12 VDP