Have a frame off restored E-type. 99+. Just got in for a drive and the head lights would not come on using the normal head light switch. However, the head lights do come on with the flasher toggle in the down position, but of course, on high beam. Any thoughts or suggestions?

I have a new e-mail address.......djg4502atcomcast.net if you can help. Would appreciate any input. Thanks.

The djgjagataol.com is an old e-mail address, but still use it for JCNA log in.

Submitted by SE12-44804 on Wed, 03/07/2007 - 08:42

I know this may sound crazy, but check the lights themselves. I have had both lights not work on low beam, but work fine on high beam, on American cars none the less. I checked the wiring and plug. I replaced the lights and they worked fine.

Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Wed, 03/07/2007 - 08:05

I agree with Stew that the most likely suspect is the dimmer switch--normaly it is from disuse--To Richard you should know that switch is NOT LUCAS so don't just dump on them. George Camp

Submitted by cleavefamily@c… on Tue, 03/06/2007 - 22:29

Me thinks the wires to the switches were connected wrong. Get a wiring diagram and check the insulation colors going to each spade terminal on each switch.
Stew Cleave
JOCO Chief Judge
'69 E-Type 2+2
'01 S-Type
and other LBC's