What is the proper procedure for boosting an eType for both +ve & -ve ground?
I need to know which cables to hook first on which car - the car giving the boost or the etype & which cables go where in both scenarios?
I don't want to make a mistake here.



Submitted by htech@cwnet.com on Thu, 03/08/2007 - 15:19

Although not precisely in line with this thread, there's a small device available which will prevent the loss of the settings of your electronically tuned car radio and other memory devices during main battery replacement.

J.C. Whitney calls it a Computer Memory Saver P/N MBB18203. It's for negative ground systems and just plugs into your lighter socket and uses a 9 volt battery. I determined that there's a diode inside it which prevents damage to the Saver if you happen to plug it into a positive ground system.

All electrical loads, such as headlights, etc. should be turned off since this small battery cannot supply much current. Tom Hughes

Submitted by wcjssj@comcast.net on Thu, 03/08/2007 - 13:41

Edited on 2007-03-08 16:21:02

Always hook up the ground cable last. Regardless of anything, you need to connect positive to positive and negative to negative.

If you are jumping one car with another, and one has positive ground while the other has negative ground, then the cars can not touch! You will be connecting a positive car to a negative car and violating the rule above. To be safe I would disconnect the ground wire from the battery for the car giving the boost. Of course the boosting car can not be running then, since it is completely disconnected from the battery. When you reconnect the battery on a modern car the alarm will go off, so you must know how to silence it.

The mistake most people make when jumping a car is to get excited when the car starts. Then they touch the cables together when disconnecting. You should disconnect both ends of the ground cable first before disconnecting the other cable.

Also, when working on the battery in your car, always unhook the ground wire first. If you touch something with your wrench it will not matter. Then, with the ground wire disconnected, it will not matter if you accidently touch something with your wrench when working on the hot wire. Reconnect the battery by attaching the hot wire first for the same reasons. Of course you must never connect the two terminals of a battery together.

Jumping a car can cause damage to both people and the cars. If you hook them up incorrectly you will at least burn out the alternator, and on a modern car ruin the computer. If you are uncomfortable with the procedure it is probably better to call AAA. 1967 E-type S1 FHC