I had some yokel run into the back of my 1994 XJS 4.0 convertible the other day, and, while most of the damage was pretty minimal, I am having an awful time finding the rear taillight assemblies (both of which were broken in the wreck).

The parts suppliers I talked to said that they are no longer produced, which puts me in a bit of a bind. Does anyone know of anyone who makes these aftermarket or where I might be able to find them! Every supplier I've talked to (jagbits.com, docsjags, etc) says that they're rarer than hens' teeth.

Submitted by lngjon@sbcglobal.net on Wed, 11/28/2007 - 20:20

I'm still looking for that bloody right hand side corner taillight assembly. I have the centers, but that one remains elusive. Anybody want to get rid of one? I've hit all the used parts suppliers I can find at least twice, but when they're not laughing at me when I ask, they're letting me know that they're unavailable.

By the way, if you know anyone who needs them, I have the complete chrome bumper trim for the rear in near-perfect condition.

thanks again,

Submitted by lasstss@comcast.net on Mon, 07/23/2007 - 16:43

If you have all of the peices you can use methylene chloride to cement them together in the meantime then spray them with clear spray. I have been trying to find a set and contacted the company that made them. THey tossed the molds. at some time we will have to solicit one of the aftermarket houses and get knockoffs made. Im in the middle of trying to get a set of OEM conv top bushings so that i can copy them in urethane..

Submitted by lngjon@sbcglobal.net on Wed, 04/18/2007 - 11:34

I tried britishrecycling, and they were fresh out of them. I landed the center two flat ones at jaggraveyard, so I still need the inner and outer ones. Geez louise!

I'll try captain Jaguar's cathouse, that's one I haven't tried yet.

thanks for the feedback!

Submitted by rrudy2@charter.net on Wed, 04/18/2007 - 01:43


I'm so sorry to hear of your misfortune. I admit that I spend an inordinate amount of time watching my rear view mirror when I'm out in my XJS.

While I don't know of a supplier of parts for your car off the top of my head, you might try eBay. I have been able to get a lot of stuff both new and used from various sellers. I have been particulary impresses with Captain Jaguar's Cathouse, aka: Jaguar Services of Tulsa. You could send them an email through eBay and ask about the tail lights that you need. Just a thought.

Good luck in your search, John.
