My engine starts instantly with choke when cold. When hot within 10 mins. of shutting down it also starts easily with no accelerator pedal pressure. But, after more than 10 mins. after shut down it floods easily and won't start without fully depressing the pedal. I've changed the 3 carburettor floats 9 (one was broken). Any suggestions re. the remedy?

Submitted by on Fri, 05/11/2007 - 18:29

I assume we are talking about three SU carbs here. I also assume you bent the float lever to give 7/16 inch clearance to the lid for the chamberwhen the jet is closed. Then you may have bad needle and seat jets in the lid. They can leak when closed; can you blow thru them when pushed closed with your finger? They can stick. I bought three new Grose-type jets and they stuck open periodically. Drive your car until you have the starting problem, and then take the lids off your float chambers. The floats should be floating and the gas should be about 7/16 inch below the top of the chamber. If the gas is nearly overflowing, the float isnt really floating or the jet is bad. Good luck. 1967 E-type S1 FHC