Webmaster: I and others request you block this spammer and report to his/her ISP. There's a Law which can be applied and this spammer is contributing nothing to the Jaguar Forums, except consuming space with that garbage. Thank you.

Submitted by nickynickster@… on Mon, 06/25/2007 - 13:38

I've got three new ones. They go something like this:

I'm Mr. Pregwickson Morgan residing... in Canada. Who cares where you live.
Mark Gleeson: "HELLO, I was opportuned to see your..." Interesting overzealous use of fake British English.
Mury Shandi: " it is a pleasure to reply to your advert, " With the obvious "God bless bit". You don't say.

Of course, today I have right on cue more retarded African gold selling spam.

I also had a call from a lady name Sonia who quickly hung up on me when she found out I was selling the car fro a friend of mine. Her number is 702-567-8866

Anyone who see such eloquent use of English, BEWARE!

I am desperatly trying to change my email address to dump this junk to my yahoo spam infested account but I can't seem to save it.

Very Frustrated Yours, Nick and no God Bless :)