I face the same little mini-dilemma each year when I am prepping for the first show of the season.....

Do I leave the ugly little glops of factory applied adhesives, seam sealers, etc. in place....looking ugly as can be....or remove them? By all rights they are original and correct, so I shouldn't have to worry, right? In fact, it might be considered *wrong* to remove them.

Still, though.......I am sorely tempted.

Doug Dwyer
Longview Washington USA
1995 XJR

Submitted by dougdwyer1@com… on Thu, 07/12/2007 - 08:23

Thanks Pat.

What I'm worried about is their unsightliness leading to a cleanliness deduction.

Ah well. They will remain and I'll put my faith in the judges to recognize them for what they are

Cheers and thanks

Doug Dwyer
Longview Washington USA
1995 XJR

Submitted by pharmon@jcna.com on Thu, 07/12/2007 - 07:31

If the material was applied before the car was painted then removing it will also remove the paint. If it was applied after painting and, if you can remove it without making things look worse; then go ahead and trim it up. There is no JCNA deduction for "Missing or Non-Authentic" glop.