I would like to solicit some help. I am currently changing
my cooling hoses and recently purchase a set from SNG
Barratt. I now want to buy some reproduction Cheney clamps
but have no idea what sizes to buy in either MM or inches
and how many of each. The Jaguar parts book indicates 7
different sizes based upon part numbers ranging from
C-2905-1 to C-2905-7 but I have no way to decode the part
numbers into their corresponding sizes. SNG has a list of
Jubilee clamp sizes but again they do not related to the
Jaguar part numbers. Can some good list member provide me
with some guidance and help in this area? I figure if I'm
going to all of the trouble and expense to change the hoses
I might as well try to use the clamps correct. Thanks so
much in advance for the help. Regards, Rob

Submitted by SC38-21185J on Wed, 01/09/2008 - 07:44

Rob: I would be interested in knowing who supplies Cheney repros, as I have not seen them available anywhere. If the supplier doesn't offer a kit, then the only thing you can do is order one of each size and then use these as guides as to how many of each you will need. The Cheney clamps use a number system that as far as I know means nothing in the real world...its just a number. I'm sure you can return or exchange the clamps you don't use for those that you need.

Good Luck,

Patrick McLoad
JC Houston