Edited on 2008-02-15 13:01:10

Edited on 2008-02-15 12:59:07

Backup light on my 1983 V12 xjs is not working. Checked the boulbs and the fuse, all in good order. Cleaned them also but not helping. Checked all connections around the gear shifter and all seems OK, but don't know how to get into the part where the shifter actually tuches a switch(or something) What or where else can I look to solve the problem? (By the way the license plate lights are working and the control panel lights are also working and the letter R light on the shifter is also working). Thanks for any help.

Submitted by silver007@shaw.ca on Sat, 02/16/2008 - 13:03

Hi Birute,
glad it worked for you, it is the front to rear positioning that activates the switch, and ignition on also, the switch also may be repositioned slightly so the switch activates dead on in reverse position. Sometimes at shows many people have problems with the backup lights as many of us only use the cars in daytime and do not realize the lights do not function exactly the way they were supposed, however usually with a little back and forward movement of the shifter this brings them to life...........
Good Stuff, Art

Submitted by birute@get2net.dk on Sat, 02/16/2008 - 03:23

First thanks for your reply.

You are the man..., After your post I tried again wiggling the shifter, this time also the up and down motion not just from side to side which I tried earlyer, AND IT WORKS.

Thanks so much.

Submitted by birute@get2net.dk on Sat, 02/16/2008 - 01:51

First, thank you for your help Art.

I have tried with both the ignition on and with the engine started, and have had someone standing behind the car while wiggling it.

If I am correct, the power to the backup lights is taken from the wires to the license plate light, so the wire connections must be good if the license plate lights are working. and the backup light fuse is shared with the control panel lights, so if the control panel lights are working the fuse/fuse-connection must also be good. Left is the connection from the shifter.. is there another fuse maybe somewhere in or around the center console for the shifter/backup light connection? I can't quit make out all the wires that are in there.

I can' t pass the inspection without the backup light working. Thanks for any help.