Just returned from the AGM in Pittsburgh. The best turn out of any that I have been involved with. The choice of hotel was excellent, excursions were great, and the food was top notch. Got to see a lot of friends and meet a few new ones. UP very early and out late but well worth it. A lot of clubs were in attendance via proxy votes only. They really missed out on a historic AGM. Great JOB Pittsburgh Club!!

Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Tue, 04/01/2008 - 07:13

Very well done--or as the English might say "Spot on"!!!! The most impressive part was how well informed all of the host members were on the plan and events---I think they could teach JCNA as a whole about communication! Thank you!

Submitted by cordag@aol.com on Sun, 03/30/2008 - 23:15

This was a wonderfully planned and enjoyable AGM. A BIG thank you to all the AGM committee and the members of the Pittsburgh club who hosted the event for making it such a GREAT time for all of us.

With the amazing Norman Dewis on hand all weekend, this AGM will be unforgettable, really. Back at home in Florida, I am still smiling as I think of all the fun I had there.