Since my '66 FHC has a glistering gold colour i would like to change it back to a colour matching the year and time of building.
The original colour was white. I,m not to enthousiastic about that white colour and would like to change it into a gunmetal colour. Which one i don't know yet, but it has to be period right.

Can anyone give me a tip for an overview of the colours in 1966.

Thanks Nol

1E 31208

Submitted by werkmakelaar@f… on Fri, 04/18/2008 - 16:40

Patrick and john:

Thanks for the tips and i will keep in contact.

In Holland it is now 22.30 and i have to get up early, so i close for today.

Greet Nol from Holland

Submitted by SC38-21185J on Fri, 04/18/2008 - 16:28

Midland/Odessa is a pretty good place for cars as it is so dry out there, but hot too.

Check out this guy's blog:

He is working on a 1962 E-Type, and man is it in sad shape...sitting for about 35 years. He's still taking it apart, but taking very detailed photos. Be sure to look at his earlier entries as well. (When he starts talking about motorcycles or home-made beer, you can scroll further down). I think he's setting it up as a driver, but there's not a nut or bolt that doesn't need attention.
(Been there, done that)


Submitted by SC38-21185J on Fri, 04/18/2008 - 16:28

Midland/Odessa is a pretty good place for cars as it is so dry out there, but hot too.

Check out this guy's blog:

He is working on a 1962 E-Type, and man is it in sad shape...sitting for about 35 years. He's still taking it apart, but taking very detailed photos. Be sure to look at his earlier entries as well. (When he starts talking about motorcycles or home-made beer, you can scroll further down). I think he's setting it up as a driver, but there's not a nut or bolt that doesn't need attention.
(Been there, done that)


Submitted by werkmakelaar@f… on Fri, 04/18/2008 - 16:26

Thanks again Patrick:
I mean about the oktober 1965 and about messing up.
Because I started to worry about the originality,now i'm happy again.
I will send up some pictures of the car in the state it is now. Than you understand what i mean with gold with glstering effect.

Greet Nol

Submitted by werkmakelaar@f… on Fri, 04/18/2008 - 16:19

Thanks Patrick:

It is a lef thand drive and was registrated in Texas until 1992. Last approval was in 1974.
Texas licence plate DHK 427 ( Midland and Odessa owners before me)

At the moment in Holland. And working on it.
Cleaning and replacing all rubber hoses and receiving Dutch classic licence plates soon.

Greet NOL

Submitted by SC38-21185J on Fri, 04/18/2008 - 16:17

Okay, I see where I messed up.

The FHC RHD began with1E.2001, but the FHC LHD began with 1E.3001.
It appears that your car was built sometime around October 1965.


Submitted by SC38-21185J on Fri, 04/18/2008 - 16:05

The first list of colors is Series One, 1965, 1966, and partial 1967.
I assume your car is a right hand drive? Or is it left?


Submitted by werkmakelaar@f… on Fri, 04/18/2008 - 16:02

Hello Patrick;

Thanks for the color range. But is that also for the series 1?
I think so but you never know.

I'm sure about the 1966 and about the car being a series 1 FHC and not a series 1.5.
To confirm the whole thing i give the rest of figures i have on my car.

Engine: 7E 4519-9 / Gearbox: EJ 3605 / Car no: 1E 31208 / Body no: 4E 22012

Hope to hear from you, NOL

Submitted by werkmakelaar@f… on Fri, 04/18/2008 - 15:58

Hello Patrick;

Thanks for the color range. But is that also for the series 1?
I think so but you never know.

I'm sure about the 1966 and about the car being a series 1 FHC and not a series 1.5.
To confirm the whole thing i give the rest of figures i have on my car.

Engine: 7E 4519-9 / Gearbox: EJ 3605 / Car no: 1E 31208 / Body no: 4E 22012

Hope to hear from you, NOL

Submitted by SC38-21185J on Fri, 04/18/2008 - 15:39

According to Mr. Porter, the coachwork / interior colors that were availabe in 1965, 1966, 1967 (until Sept):

Cream / Black
Warwick Grey / Red, Lt. Tan, Dark Blue
Sherwood Green / Suede green, Lt. Tan, Tan
Dark Blue / Red, Light Blue, Grey
Black / Red, Grey, Tan, Lt. Tan
Carmen Red / Black
Opalescent Silver Grey / Red, Lt. Blue, Dk. Blue, Grey
Opalescent Silver Blue / Grey, Dk. Blue
Opal. Dark Green / Suede Green, Beige, Tan, Lt. Tan
Opal. Maroon / Maroon, beige
Golden Sand / Red, Lt. Tan
Pale Primrose (yellow) / Black, Beige

According to Mr. Porter, unless I'm reading something incorrectly, it states that the Series 1.5 E-Types were made between 1967 and 1968, and the range numbers for FHC are 1E.21584 to approx. 1E.34572.

Are you sure yours is a 1966?

If it IS a Series 1.5, then the opalescent colors are Silver Grey, Silver Blue, and Maroon. I think the silver grey is the one you want.
