Edited on 2008-04-22 16:51:40

All - I have stayed away from the Driven Class issue since chirping in early on; I am relatively new and can learn from you folks. Please forgive me if this question/idea has already been posted.

Okay - Driven Class includes trailer cars - which should increase Concours participation. To level the playing field could judges allow those that drive to Concours be allowed to continue preparing their Driven entries after "Rags Down"? Say until the Judges approach? Is this something that could be at the Judges' discretion?

Here is the specific mention of "Rags Down":
B. Entrants During the Concours
1. Rags Down
Entrants will be reminded by the Concours Chair or Chief Judge to cease preparation of cars at a predetermined, published time, referred to as "rags down".

Submitted by NC43-62049 on Wed, 04/23/2008 - 21:29

Edited on 2008-04-23 21:31:45

Dwight, if you are a paid-up JCNA affiliated club member your opinion is as valid as that of anyone else. We dont have super-delegates.

I am not afraid of being wrong or holding a contrarian, minority opinion and only once has someone been outright rude to me in a post.

On point, as far as the new rule is concerned my opinon is that we all are stuck with it once the first show goes ahead for the rest of the 2008 to maintain uniform judging standards. No local tampering/tweaking is going to help - it will make things WORSE. Variation in judging between clubs (and Regions) is already a long-standing, hot-button issue in JCNA.

How about a picture of the XJ-S?
Trade ya (pictures not cars!).

William J:
Huzah! FYI I sent the link to JCNA Counsel as as I said I would as per other posting.


D Lokun

Submitted by wljenkins@usa.net on Wed, 04/23/2008 - 19:19

Sorry Dwight, I won't be at the next AGM. Our club sends two very knowledgeable and well qualified individuals one of whom is our Chief Judge. I agree with just about everything these two gentlemen support or oppose at the AGMs so there is no need for me to attend.

I kind of surprised that a few certain individuals who do indeed think that Judges have blanket authority to make up their own rules haven't chimed in here and started arguing with me.

Maybe they've finally realized they're dead wrong.

We can only hope......

Submitted by NE08-35179J-J on Wed, 04/23/2008 - 18:48

Yowza Dwight,
Do we really need a rule for this? Couldn't you just arrive earlier better prepared?
This is an incredibly "niched" rule and I fail to see how this would encourage more to participate in a broad sense.
Best of luck at the AGM with it. My guess is it will be reworded like the trailer rule and then the Judges will end up outside a Car Wash judging the Jaguars as they come out as that is more convenient.
Good Health to All, Bob Lovell

Submitted by dwcurtiss@virt… on Tue, 04/22/2008 - 17:52

Thank you William,
Okay then - next year's AGM Concours discussion should be lively, based on the interest created by this rule addition. It will be interesting to meet you all in person rather than simply via a forum. As often stated - forums (and email) can be rather harsh and cold.

Submitted by wljenkins@usa.net on Tue, 04/22/2008 - 17:00

No Dwight because this would be a violation of the rules. Judges and Chief judges DO NOT have any "discrection" to bend or disregard rules.

Judges and Chief Judges who advocate and encourage blatantly violating, bending and ignoring the rules have no business being in those positions.

I really don't know why this is so hard for people to understand.