Hello, just took delivery of a 74 ots. The car runs great for about 10-15 minutes, then start bucking / hesitating. When I try and get on it, it backfires. This has repeated a number of times, also brakes seem to have no power. can not see any apparent vacuume leaks. All 4 carbs have oil, & seem to be working. Any thoughts welcomed!! Thanks

Submitted by SC38-21185J on Wed, 05/14/2008 - 18:59

Well, I guess you gotta pay your dues so to speak. Just remember that on these old E-Types, an ounce of prevention goes a VERY long way.


Submitted by david42581@yahoo.com on Wed, 05/14/2008 - 18:29

I actually had an inspector that owns two e types go through the car. He said it drove great. But it was within a short time after startup. I have the car at a good shop now to see what is up, another factor may be that the car was not charging, maybe the electrical power is being used up. Anyway look forward to getting through this, and being able to drove the car. Thanks for all of the suggestions.


Submitted by SC38-21185J on Wed, 05/14/2008 - 08:26

I don't own a Series 3, but will respond. It would seem that if you have a vacuum leak in the engine, it would NOT run great for the first 10-15 minutes.....you would be having a hard time at idle. Sounds like it might be heat related. Is the ignition amplifier still mounted on top of the engine? You might try to isolate it (as an experiment) by wrapping with insulation, or moving it away from the engine.

In regards to brakes, you really need to ask the last owner when the last time the fluid was changed...if ever. I would suspect vacuum assist and calipers are probably frozen with rust.
Brakes are probably the most neglected system on these old E-Types.

In either case, you do need a good mechanic to find out the issues. I'd also ask the previous owner about these problems. Did you not drive this car before purchase? Or possibly bought off EBay sight-unseen?


Submitted by daniel_satur@h… on Wed, 05/14/2008 - 01:52

Edited on 2008-05-14 1:56:05

Find the vacuum line to break booster,and block the port going to the Intake.
How doe's she run with the port blocked?.

Don't drive it,you wont have any breaks.

Note: You can use starting fluid,or WD40 with straw to pin point
vacuum leaks.The engine will let you know when you find one.

Submitted by gtcoastie@aol.com on Sun, 05/11/2008 - 14:53


Congrats on your new purchase! I'm out in Jupiter Farms and have a RHD ''69 OTS. I have a great mechanic that I've been working with. He's out of country right now but will be back this week. Contact me offline at gtcoastieataol.com and I'll get you his info. Plus, it'll be nice to match pointers with another E-Type owner in the Jupiter area.


Submitted by bonnettoboot@e… on Sun, 05/11/2008 - 14:35

The two things are likely related, the brake problem though is the main issue. The vacuum source from the manifold to the brake servo is likely leaking or the servo diaphram inside the unit has ruptured, check there is vaccum to it first.