Thanks for the replies. I actually had read that article which is quite informative. I thought that a kit that would require no major modification was available but it does not sound like it. I will do some more research and give all an update if I find a relatively easy solution.

Submitted by DavidBarnes71@… on Fri, 04/24/2015 - 17:41

Not sure if this will post or anyone will see it given the current disaster area the  new JCNA forums are but I just got Stromberg pistons set up with adjustable needles from Joe Curto 718-762-7878 to drop in to replace the fixed needle pistons in my 68 carbs. I have not done it yet but plan to play around with it over the next several days.  They cost $137 for both including shipping to Houston

David Barnes

68 E-Type FHC