Proposal #1 - JCNA to Officially Sanction and Promote an ÔÇÿEnthusiastsÔÇÖ Division

1) The purpose of the ÔÇÿEnthusiastsÔÇÖ Division is to:
a. Attract more Jaguars to JCNA concours events with the dual purpose of increasing the show field density and recruiting new members to JCNA
b. Provide a low-key alternative for existing JCNA members to participate in concours
c. Make the participants feel welcome to the concours instead of relegating them to ÔÇÿdisplay onlyÔÇÖ or spectator status
2) JCNA to officially sanction and promote an ÔÇÿEnthusiastsÔÇÖ Division.
a. Provide ample explanation and promotion of this division in several issues of the Jag Journal, with the intent of assisting clubs in organizing such a division and providing a minimal level of consistency between clubs
b. This division is to be functional at the local club level only, that is, not recognized for national or regional awards
c. Clubs are not required to institute this division, but are strongly encouraged to do so
d. A suggested arrangement for classes and awards is outlined below, however clubs are free to implement their own arrangement as determined by local participation conditions
e. Regardless of the method by which the local club classifies the Enthusiast Division entries, this arrangement should be devised beforehand and clearly explained in the concours registration information
3) The division should be arranged into 3 classes of Jaguars based on body type ÔÇô Saloons/Sedans ÔÇô Open Top/Convertibles - Coupes
a. Awards to be given out by class, based on popular vote (by class) of all the entrants (Champion/Driven/Enthusiast)
b. The classes are arranged so that the typically more popular convertibles do not always win the popular vote at the expense of saloons or coupes
c. The maximum number of awards per class is 3, based on the depth of class (there must be one more car in the class than the number of awards given; e.g., 3 cars in the class means 1st and 2nd place awards only)
d. At the discretion of the club, cars can be placed on the show field by class, separately from the Driven and Champion entries, or commingled. If commingled, then the Enthusiast Division cars must be easily identified by their window placard so that entrants know which cars are to be voted on.

Submitted by on Wed, 07/23/2008 - 23:35

Chris Goldsmith

All three of your proposals have a fatal flaw. Each proposal has a "big government" bias. JCNA must stop attempting to micromanage the local clubs!!! There are already far too many mandates and rules from JCNA regarding the concours program.
I think you are overreacting here. None of the proposals is trying to intrude on local clubs.

This proposal (#1) is a request for JCNA to sanction and promote an Enthusiasts Division. Local clubs don't have to do this if they don't want to, period. And it only suggests a classification scheme.

The #2 proposal to revise the local award scheme only addresses something that already exists in JCNA. If the local club wants to continue doing it the way they've been making awards, go right ahead. The purpose of the proposal is to provide JCNA cover for those clubs who are concerned with reducing the number of awards and the repercussions it may have on participation.

And lastly, proposal #3 is an attempt to reduce the number of classes. This isn't under local club jurisdiction now, so how does this proposal affect local club autonomy? It doesn't.

The way you talk, we can't ever propose fixing current JCNA rules or regs because it is 'big brother' intruding on local club discretion. I don't want to get rid of JCNA, I want to make it better.

Submitted by mark1mark@jagu… on Thu, 07/17/2008 - 10:43


I agree with this crux of this proposal, and appreciate the effort you have put into all the proposals, however I think you need to separate the part of the proposal that involves the actual rule and the part that applies to disseminating the rule. Once the rule is in place, the steps of its initiation becomes superfluous in the rule book.

Again, I wouldn't get too granular, and would leave a lot of flexibility to the clubs. We shouldn't restrict or require a specific number of awards and spend too much time defining the classes within the division. Let's leave that up to the clubs to base on their local situation. If you had four cars in one class and three in the other two, you'd be handing out 7 trophies for ten cars. That's too many for ten cars -- three would be more like it -- and you're codifying that they would receive more trophies than the Champion or Driven Divisions.

I wouldn't necessarily define the way the trophies are awarded. Entrants' Choice is a good idea, but there may be other options. I had an idea of using Enthusiasts Division as a way to break people gently into the rigors of concours judging. ED entrants would have the option of having their cars casually judged by JCNA judges who would explain what they're doing as they're doing it. The best scores would win ED awards.

I agree with Daniel and Pascal that this should be proposed as a replacement to "Display Only."

Submitted by arsenaultd@ear… on Wed, 07/16/2008 - 20:10

No objections here. I think Enthusiast is a good idea, however, I would further suggest if you ask the club to sanction enthusiast division then it needs to replace the club optional "display only" division and be mandatory for all clubs. If its such a good idea, and it is, why would you want to permit clubs to ignore it. Doing this means you need to eliminate display only as an option.

I have never been a fan of how display only has been used. I see far too many cars that didn't even seem to get a wash before the show, filthy cars to be honest. If you are going to slap a display only sign on your car and put it on the show field, at least wash the thing. If all you want to do is chum about with your club buddies, there are endless events throughout the year to do this. A club concours to me should showcase our cars in the best possible light, to our own members and in events like San Diego's fine Spanish Landing Concours, to the many people who pass through that day. To me using display only to add more cars to the field, if they are filthy looking ratty cars, is not in our best interests anyway, maybe with enthusiast division officially sanctioned you will at least get a few of these folks to run their cars through the wash at the local shell station before the come to the show on the off chance they might win a popular vote.