if i am reading this right this will let me enter my 87 xj6 for consideration and judging even though it is not up to the highest standards. i drive this car every day that there is no salt on the road so it will never be pristine. i do not have an unlimited budget for repair and upgrade so i have no elusions that i will one day have a 99.9 car. if people like me were recruted and welcomed as well as my local club does, i think that more people would attend national functions.

Submitted by NC43-62049 on Thu, 07/31/2008 - 15:33

Edited on 2008-08-01 12:27:09

You car sounds fine to me and a prime candidate for Driver Class - each of us is really competing against our own score from last year. Everyone I have ever spoken to who went to any regional event reported it was was a non-stop party ... let's not judge the regional event-waters unitl we have had a swim ourselves .... D Lokun ... Blossom90, Winnie59, etc.