I am starting the reassembly of my '65 E-Type 4.2 OTS. and have screwed up the electrical contacts (?) on the windshield wiper assembly. Can someone tell me what this does and if the wipers will work if this contact is not connected. The flex cable that is connected to this electrical contacts adjusts the contacts but I do not know what it actually does. Also, is there a source to replace this assembly? I've attached a picture of this item.
Dave Ramsey


Submitted by dave@hattonbrown.com on Wed, 09/17/2008 - 12:57

Thanks for the reply.
You answered one question for me and that is where the knurled knob goes. I found the hole in the firewall and now I know what it's for.
I super glued the electrical contacts back together so now it should work.
Of course, I still have to get the damn thing back in the small nook it came from.
Dave Ramsey

Submitted by SC38-21185J on Tue, 08/26/2008 - 14:21

Dave: My 2 cents. I couldn't see a photo, but I think you're probably talking about the wire that connects to a contact under the wiper arm assembly. I believe this is part of the circuit that determines where the wipers "park" when shut off. The adjustment for this is a knurled knob on the firewall. I screwed mine up too during disassembly (didn't know it was there!), and just bought a new wiper assembly that came with a new contact mechanism.

I do not know what would happen if you left it disconnected, but I doubt that it would be anything good. There should be an electrical guru out there that can tell us.
