Edited on 2009-08-01 16:07:53

I removed the old tumbler but now can't seem to get the new tumbler to go in. Is there a specific way to get it in?

Submitted by wcjssj@comcast.net on Mon, 08/03/2009 - 22:50

Edited on 2009-08-03 23:15:16

Dave -Dont force anything. I think you have to turn the key until the little button pushs in, about 60 deg. then orient the cylinder so the key teeth will be up when you withdraw the key.

PS You are jogging my memory. Can you get the old one in? If so, compare it to the new one. I seem to remember having to do a little filing to make the new one like the old one.

Submitted by dave.baumgartn… on Mon, 08/03/2009 - 15:07

Thanks for the responses.

Wiki wasn't any help with this particular car. (Everything else but)

I kept the key in the tumbler to keep it all together but it only went in so far and became stuck. Thought maybe there was a trick to getting it in and didn't want to force it anymore than I already did. Guess I'll try to take it back out and put some lubricant on it this time.

Thanks again!

Submitted by wcjssj@comcast.net on Mon, 08/03/2009 - 01:45

Edited on 2009-08-03 1:47:43

Hi Dave

I have done it, but cant remember exactly. I think you have to have the key in it and there is a little button that pushes down. I seem to remember that you have to turn the tumbler and fiddle for just the right position so the button goes in.. Its the reverse of how you took the other one out, but you probably dont remember anymore.

good luck
