Fellow E-Type Owners:

A personal ÔÇ£end of an eraÔÇØ has begun for me. I have decided that after 38 years of blood, sweat, frustration, and joy in owning my 1966 RHD Series 1 E-Type OTS, itÔÇÖs time to move on. My E-Type, #1E1.445, will be at the Worldwide Auction in Auburn, Indiana on Sept. 5th, 2009.

The reasons for selling the car are varied. Yes, the recession has impacted my business and I can use the money, but I am not yet desperate. I have son in college and a daughter entering high school, so college tuition(s), books, and used cars are but a few of my responsibilities as a good father towards my kidÔÇÖs education.

Admittedly, my car is a trailer queen. Ever since finding her in a field in 1971, I had a clear vision that she was going to be as perfect as I could possibly manage to restore her to. Prior to my stint in the US Navy, I did drive the heck out of my E-Type. It took a very long time to finish the car as discretionary cash was often hard to come by. But by 2002, I achieved my goal of having a JCNA national championship Jaguar E-Type. From 2002, it has been kept as a museum piece, barely being driven. Yeah, I know, thats a shamebut thats the way it is. Im a fairly large guy.62 @ 210and it has just become harder and harder to get into and out of the E-Type. They are much smaller cars than they look like.

As a result, I found myself simply taking the car to show after show after show, with each one requiring at least a weekÔÇÖs work to bring it up to snuff. Then thereÔÇÖs the loading, unloading, another hour at the show site, etc. It simply quit being fun, and I have more trophies than I know what to do with. To start ÔÇ£enjoyingÔÇØ the car by driving it on a regular basis was really not the answer either. Living in a crowded city with pot holes and uninsured drivers simply kept me off the road. I could not afford any kind of accident to my Jaguar as repair rates are sky high. It is just too rare a car to be taking that kind of chance.

Another issue is that I started another car project (the Venus) and it has taken up most of my time5 years now. I did not have room for both the Jaguar and the Venus in my 2-car garage. The Jag was usually relegated to a storage locker 10 minutes from my house. Out of sight; out of mind.

It is simply time to let her go. I decided to pass on the craziness of the Monterey auctions. The rooms alone were $550/night, and I needed to have the car there for 5 days. I was looking at about 5 grand to sell the car in Monterrey, and there wasnÔÇÖt much time for studio photography for auction brochures. It was just going to be a hurry-up situation and I just didnÔÇÖt want to put myself through that.

I had heard good things about Worldwide, and after speaking to John Kruse, I felt much better about the hands that I was about to put my E-Type into. Im learning a great deal about what it takes to properly prepare a car for auction. And, I am prepared to bring the car back should it not reach my reserveI will not give it away. Far too many times Ive seen You Tube auctions where some poor seller was coaxed into selling a car without a reserve, with the promise that it will increase bidding, only to see a fantastic car go for 1/3 of its worth. Great for the buyersucks for the owner.

If you would like to take a gander at my listing, it is on page 5 of the following web site:

Although I expect to haunt this forum from time to time, I will probably drift away like so many before me. The good news is that IÔÇÖm helping a good friend restore his ÔÇÖ66 coupe, so IÔÇÖll be keeping my hands ÔÇ£in itÔÇØ so to speak. Perhaps now I can actually enjoy a Jaguar concours show for a change rather than hovering over my entry all day.

My best to you all.
Patrick McLoad

Submitted by SC38-21185J on Fri, 08/21/2009 - 10:53

Thanks guys.
Nah, I've had it with owning classic cars for the most part. I'm afflicted with a disease that makes me want to restore everything I get, and I simply don't have another restoration in me (after I finish the one currently in-progress). High cost of labor (like paint jobs) has pretty much ruined it for me.

If I were to ever get another Jaguar, it would be a new-model XK-R, but would need to hit lottery for that to ever happen. Also, any future classic would need to have air conditioning. Too damn hot down here! Perhaps an old Corvette; parts are plentiful and cheap.


Submitted by NC43-62049 on Tue, 08/18/2009 - 14:12

Grab a XJ-S/XJS or XJR with your XKE proceeds and Jag on.
How about a driver/slalomer time this around?


Submitted by NC19-03320J on Sat, 08/15/2009 - 11:28

Hi Patrick,
I'm sorry to hear that you're moving on to other things but as someone that's also been involved with E-Types for many years
I know exactly where you're coming from! While I can't say that I remember judging your car at the Franklin Tn. national meet I will never forget you trying to finish up the interior in the hotel parking lot the day before the show! As Bob Hope always said," Thanks for the memory"!
Bob Stevenson Jag of Mi.