Hello, I am new to the club. Have a deposit down on a 73 OTS. Can anyone give me a reference for Mike Cummings @ Jaguar Central. Thank you very much!!


Submitted by annette_close@… on Tue, 09/01/2009 - 21:27

Did David Lichtman get his deposit back? Lucky he thought to check... Has some local club rep paid these folks a visit to let them know the gig is up and watch out for them to bar them from further misrepresentation at any future shows. They are making a nice living on JCNA's good reputation.
btw: where is my local club? I'm fresh into Biloxi MS from Deutschland.

Submitted by annette_close@… on Tue, 09/01/2009 - 21:16

Hej Claus, det er rigtig skraemmende at hoere din historie og se billeder af det dyreste E-type skrammel jeg har set nogensinde. Jeg kan bare haabe at den Danske Jaguar klub vil stoette dig med deres erfaring og maaske nogle reservedele og hjaelpe dig at saette i det mindste en av de der stakkels vrag i stand. En udfordring fra aske til ??- lykke til! (jeg er amerikaner gift med en dansker, har boet i Sverige. Jeg skrev kladden, min kone korrigerede :)

Submitted by NC43-62049 on Mon, 08/31/2009 - 18:48

Edited on 2009-09-02 18:46:22

Edited on 2009-08-31 18:54:01

Some of these complaints sound like petitions to JCNA by JCNA Members in good standing regarding persons who may also be JCNA Members who are alleged to have used JCNA's good name as cover for alleged illegalities .... This ought to be impartially investigated by JCNA.

JCNA is not the Police but JCNA ought to be investigating when allegations that may affect its own good name are made.

Those who have made their complaints here should also formalize the same to JCNA.


D. Lokun

Submitted by SC38-21185J on Fri, 08/28/2009 - 12:14

I tend to agree with Terry Larson. It is Jaguar owners and enthusiasts that make up JCNA, not the other way around. The very least JCNA can do for it's membership is to make them aware of companies such as Jaguar Central. Given the number of lawyers involved with JCNA, you would think some would pick up the direct line to the attourney general.
Jag Central should not be allowed to get away with this.

Patrick McLoad

Submitted by dougdwyer1@com… on Wed, 06/24/2009 - 09:27

I have reviewed invoices on many restored cars and the payment method described by Patrick...or similar variations....is evident on all of them. I thought it was standard-of-the-industry until now. I've heard of some agreements than include a bonus for on-time complettion and penalties for late completion.

I just Googled "Jaguar Central" and all the negative stuff comes right up. They'll have a hard time getting any new business from anyone now, I'd think. The word is out.

My heart goes out to anyone ripped-off by them


Submitted by SC38-21185J on Wed, 06/24/2009 - 09:00

Claus, I meant no offense. This is just unbelieveable fraud, and both should be in jail.

Throughout the history of my long 20-year restorattion (S1 E-Type), I went through 3 similar instances where nothing was ever done to the car. One guy took my $1,000 deposit; bought a sand blast machine; used the free bag of sand on my firewall, and left it to rust.

I am in the midst of helping a friend restore his E-Type, and we are making a short list of quality painters in the area. I am advising my friend that a legal contract be drawn up, to be signed by both parties. This contract will have built-in "milestones". No pre-deposit whatsoever; money will be paid after work has been performed, not before.

For example, an inspection period will be when the paint has been removed from the car and before primer goes on. If it passes, a payment will be made. Next period will be inspection before color is sprayed, at which time another payment is made. Final payment made upon completion of the job. Furthermore, there will be a time-table set in motion. If the car sits for a year without any significant work, the car will be pulled out of the shop. You simply cannot rely on "good faith" and a handshake. And the minute a problem starts to arise, get a lawyer involved because the painter can place a mechanical lein on your car.

Someone needs to alert the State Attourney General about the Cummins operation. They are criminals in every sense of the word.


Submitted by SC38-21185J on Wed, 06/24/2009 - 08:59

Claus, I meant no offense. This is just unbelieveable fraud, and both should be in jail.

Throughout the history of my long 20-year restorattion (S1 E-Type), I went through 3 similar instances where nothing was ever done to the car. One guy took my $1,000 deposit; bought a sand blast machine; used the free bag of sand on my firewall, and left it to rust.

I am in the midst of helping a friend restore his E-Type, and we are making a short list of quality painters in the area. I am advising my friend that a legal contract be drawn up, to be signed by both parties. This contract will have built-in "milestones". No pre-deposit whatsoever; money will be paid after work has been performed, not before.

For example, an inspection period will be when the paint has been removed from the car and before primer goes on. If it passes, a payment will be made. Next period will be inspection before color is sprayed, at which time another payment is made. Final payment made upon completion of the job. Furthermore, there will be a time-table set in motion. If the car sits for a year without any significant work, the car will be pulled out of the shop. You simply cannot rely on "good faith" and a handshake. And the minute a problem starts to arise, get a lawyer involved because the painter can place a mechanical lein on your car.

Someone needs to alert the State Attourney General about the Cummins operation. They are criminals in every sense of the word.


Submitted by SC38-21185J on Tue, 06/23/2009 - 13:24

WOW!! I would have been looking for a good lawyer for sure!! No one should be able to get away with that! (But again, neither would I have shelled over cash for something only promised).


Submitted by david42581@yahoo.com on Tue, 07/29/2008 - 20:47

Hello, sorry I have been traveling and not on the forum. My email address is david42581atyahoo.com. This company is still actually holding parts that I have paid for hostage. Cell phone 561.339.6902. I guess I was too trusting and got taken advantage of. If you want the details please contact me. Thanks very much.


Submitted by benoit@boutiqu… on Mon, 06/30/2008 - 00:28

Tell me more or give me a number or e-mail address where I could reach you on the same subject. Just doing my due dilligence.
Thank you. benoitatboutiquesearchfirm.com 310-552-2221

Submitted by benoit@boutiqu… on Mon, 06/30/2008 - 00:27

Tell me more or give me a number or e-mail address where I could reach you on the same subject. Just doing my due dilligence.
Thank you. benoitatboutiquesearchfirm.com 310-552-2221