If trailering is to be allowed in the Driven Division, I have proposed the following rule change to level the playing field for those who prefer to drive their cars, or don't want the expense of owning and operating a tow vehicle and trailer:
Section 3 - Driven Division
A. Driven Division General Spirit
Driven Division.............older entries. However, Driven Division entries that are driven to the event will receive 0.01 bonus points for every 100 miles driven; no fractional points will be awarded. The bonus points will be awarded based on a certification statement signed by the entrant. The judging sheets will contain the following statement; " I certify that my entry has been driven from my place of residence, or place of principal garaging, to this event. The mileage is ________ . Signed ________ ." With the award of bonus points it will be possible for the winner(s) to have a score that is greater than 10.00, supporting the General Spirit of the Driven Division.

George Parker JACNY, SCJC

Submitted by cburk@kiva.net on Thu, 12/10/2009 - 16:55

Perhaps what I've seen will help.....

Let's say folks with cars on the East or Gulf or West coast wish to join other Jagnuts and run their regularly used Drivers in national meets and shows, but don't want to put 1000-3000 miles on their pre-war, XK120-150 or E-Type car to get there. Instead, they plop it on their open or closed trailer, stop by Uncle Joe's place along the way and/or park their trailer within an easy drive of the concours venue.

Or, folks with side curtains on their car choose to gamble that the day of the show only a few hundred miles away will be dry, but the days on either side of the show call for rain.

The approach ratified at the 2009 AGM validates what was done in the '01 Franklin TN and '07 Indy Challenge Championships and, frankly, what had legally been allowed at local concours (despite what some may still think). The current reg now differentiates between driving to the concours and driving your car to its show position or venue. You can trailer now to the concours but you must drive it onto the field/venue where the show is. (You cannot roll it off the trailer and hope it coasts (or push it) into its assigned position.

Finally, it is now possible for 2 or more buddies to load up their 2-4 (5?) cars in a trailer while the families accompany them for the fun of showing and meeting the other fine folks who show their cars at our events.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all who've read this far!

Submitted by woebegone@mind… on Thu, 12/10/2009 - 16:24

Chapter 2, section 1: 6. Entries to be Driven to their Assigned Parking Positions / Trailering
Trailering to the Concours site venue is allowed in all Divisions for all Champion and Special
Division Entries and for certain Driven Division Entries. The Chief Judge or his designees must
confirm that all Entries are driven, under their own power, to their assigned parking positions in
the judging area ÔÇô the objective is to simply prove/observe that the Entry runs and is drivable, i.e.
entries shall not be trailered directly to their assigned parking positions and off-loaded. Entries
not meeting this rule are ineligible for the dayÔÇÖs Concours Competition and shall not be judged.
Entries shall not be trailered directly to their assigned parking positions and off loaded. (2009

Chapter 2, Section 3: Section 3 - DRIVEN DIVISION
A. Driven Division General Spirit
As in the Champion Division, Driven Division also challenges its Entrants to research
prepare, and present their Entries in their original, authentic, factory-delivered configuration
and condition. However, Driven Division is for Jaguars that, regardless of age, are in regular
use. In consideration of this usage, Driven Division Entries do not have their engine
compartments or boots judged and certain convenience and safety-related authenticity
exceptions are allowed (See Ch. II, Sec. 3.A.). The exteriors and interiors of Driven
Division Entries are judged to the same standard as Champion Division. Driven Division
Entries are encouraged to be driven under their own power from their normal place of
garaging to the concours site and return. Towing or trailering is allowed for 35- year and older
Entries. (See Chapter VI for allowable exceptions.) Because the Entries in this division are
driven, the requirements are less demanding and only their interiors and exteriors are judged
for authenticity, condition, and cleanliness. (2009 AGM)

I don't know.....maybe I am missing something....but it sure looks like towing and trailering are permitted in driven class.

Even with this phrase inserted (above):
Driven Division is for Jaguars that, regardless of age, are in regular use.

Howinthehell can a car be "in regular use" and have to be TOWED!

Submitted by cwcstretch@com… on Thu, 12/10/2009 - 11:30

My wife and I have two XJR-S 1993 cars one in championship and one in driven. We drive both on weekends and to the shows on the Est Coast. I would like not to have points taken off for brake dust, bugs etc., but that is the cost of driving.
My championship Silver XJR-S is 5th in championship and while I will never be able to compet with the 2-100 point cars in my divisionI enjy driving my car. My wife's Black XJR-S is 1st in driven with a 9.99533 and we drove to every show.
I don't see how anyone can control giving bonus points. I would like for the judges to consider the fact that brake dust and new road dirt is a part of driving.

Submitted by cburk@kiva.net on Tue, 12/08/2009 - 22:21

...in a trailer? I don't recall that anything was said about in - or on - a trailer, let alone those that can haul more than 3 at a time.

...fix it? I believe they did that last March in Denver. I also think there is a 2-year limit in effect before the topic can be "revisited."

Submitted by woebegone@mind… on Tue, 12/08/2009 - 22:09

I think it's because of the previous (and now slightly revised) driven-class trailering rule.

No matter how much work you put into cleaning up your iron, if you drive it to the meet, it's going to get dirty, far dirtier than a similar vehicle stashed in a trailer.

I thought my 5K was pretty good in just over a year, as that included all the running repairs (un-doing 30 years of "gas-station maintenance), and the fact that the car had 2500 (twenty-five hundred) miles on it since it was imported in 1982.

I know where h'es coming from, I know where you're coming from......the problem is, the problem.
Would never have had this if they hadn't had the "trailering rule" in the first place.

Now it's up to National to fix it.

Submitted by wljenkins@usa.net on Tue, 12/08/2009 - 21:10

I wonder why ole George only thinks it's good idea to give have a special, carve-out rule ("bonus points") ONLY for driven class but doesn't see fit to propose the same for Championship class?

Submitted by wljenkins@usa.net on Tue, 12/08/2009 - 20:57

Dave, I've put almost 40,000 miles on my XJ6 in the past 2 years and I show it in Championship and I have no problem competing with people who trailer their cars.

I don't care what the other guys or gals get for scores or whether they drove or brought their car on a trailer to the concours. I've never understood the mentality of competing against others in your class, YOU'RE COMPETING AGAINST YOURSELF and you should be striving to improve your car based on your scores at each concours your enter. If and entrant wants to bring their car to a concours on a trailer then that's his or her choice.

Submitted by bob5837@roadru… on Tue, 12/08/2009 - 15:51

I am just finishing restoration to a 1987 XJ6 Series III that I plan to enter in "driven" class next season. I thought the main difference between champion and driven class was that in driven class, you don't need to show your engine - is that right? And that the car must be "driven" to the show.

I have little experience at showing a car. In driven class are the hoods required to stay down during the judging so as not to sway the judges with super clean engines from a car that may have been trailered as described by Dave Goodson?

Just on merit - I would be against "trailering" a car to show in a "driven" class.

Submitted by woebegone@mind… on Tue, 12/08/2009 - 15:31

Personally, having had to deal with trailering in another marque, and the shenanigans pulled by attendees, trailering to a motel on the edge of town, and driving to the meet from there, then claiming it was 'driven", well, I drive my cars.
I put 5K on my Jag in the first 14 months I had owned it, I don't even want to compete in the same class as those who trailer their vehicles.

But, that's just me, no intent to try to promote a change in rules or pick on anybody who does trailer.

I just won't enter anymore, in all likeliness.

Submitted by wljenkins@usa.net on Tue, 12/08/2009 - 12:55

How about bonus points for living within 100 miles of an ocean? I mean c'mon, it's a whole lot harder for me to keep my Jaguar nice and shiny and rust free with all the salt air blowing in off of Long Island Sound than it is for those guys in Arizona. Quintuple bonus points for being within 20 miles of the ocean, and triple bonus points if you're within 20 miles of the Great Lakes and let's not forget the Great Salt Lake. If you're 20 miles or less from the Great Salt Lake and you certify it in writing, co-signed by your mother, then you get TEN TIMES bonus points. If you're between 20 and 40 miles from a body of water (rivers don't count) then you only get half, more than 40 miles half of that and your bonus points slowly diminish for each multiple of 20 miles you are away from a body of water.

Dave Goodson, I hope you're with me on this one. What do you say we join forces and slam this through, you with me? It can be an East Coast/West Coast working partnership.


Submitted by wljenkins@usa.net on Tue, 12/08/2009 - 12:17

How about awarding quadruple bonus points for people who drive their cars to a concours and enter it in Championship? Do I get bonus points for having Pirellis on my car? I think Michelins on a Jaguar is just plain wrong. What about bonus points for people who show in any of the special classes who race and/or slalom their cars? They should only get triple bonus points, not quadruple.

The possibilities are endless!!!

Submitted by wljenkins@usa.net on Tue, 12/08/2009 - 12:09

"Bonus point" are not allowed under current JCNA rules. I think awarding bonus points for anything is absolutely ridiculous and wrong. I completely disagree with your proposed rule change and will fight it every step of the way.

Thanks for the heads up.