Hi. I'm with the North Georgia Jaguar Club. The Road Atlanta Raceway is in our backyard and every year they hold historic car races called the Mitty Speedfest. Last year about 20 Jaguars from the Southeast met here and we had a blast. Classic Motorsports magazine sponsored our group and provided group parking and...get this...got us all on the track to do several parade laps. If you've never driven your car on a Formula 1 racetrack...here's your chance. It is a three day event (May 1-3) but we'll be meeting as a group on Saturday, May 2nd. More information at www.roadatlanta.com (search for Mitty). The magazine needs to know how many will be attending and I volunteered to keep a list. If you think you can attend please email patatpats.jags.com. I'll put you on the list and send information as it becomes available.