If you have followed this thread Carr has sought a direct connection to her father's MK X and Roy Rogers. I sugested several ways to track the story down but all failed. During the exchange something kept trying to work itself to the frontal lobe(S) and bam this AM it did. Michelle the reason the Hornburg Star file (and I do not believe they keep just 10 years) would not have included Roy because (drum roll please) He had his own Dealership!!!!!! As such it is very possible he drove a MK X but as a dealer demo. and never registered it. I am not saying this happened but you might try tracking down Frank Millard Sports cars inc. at 15531 Ventura Blvd in Encino. I do know there is a dealer there. For what it is worth I had read all of that years ago and finally remembered I looked it up in "Jaguar in America" by Dugdale/Cook and we offer it here at a killer price in the Shoppe. Look for Jaguarus.

Submitted by bonnettoboot@e… on Wed, 06/16/2010 - 00:06

Back again, as I said initially it might be worthwhile asking the fan club. I am not sure what happened to the ranch but the family might have turned it into a museum, if so there would be lots of photos, regards.

Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Tue, 06/15/2010 - 06:50

William thanks-please remember the reason for this thread is to attempt to help Michelle track down some elusive information that may or may not exist. You live there, I do not ,but I will tell you the published records and documents suggest something else. Terry York as a Jaguar dealer is recorded as late as 1992. I am somewhat familiar with Jaguar operations and the proximity of the addresses suggest that transfer of materials, people,tools etc. could have taken place (which is quite usual) when dealerships change. Having said that do you have any suggestions for Michelle to help in the quest? Since you seem to know the players do you know any one that was there at the time in question?

Submitted by bonnettoboot@e… on Tue, 06/15/2010 - 00:32

Terry York was a big player in LA car dealerships, His main location ( Chevrolet) was on two full blocks in the 16401 Ventura blvd, a 1/4 mile from the adress in question. At some point in the 80's he purchased the Rolls Royce franchise at 15800 from Bob Wiess, when the francise was revoked it was then occupied and still is, by Land Rover of Encino, in which, (i believe) Mr York has an interest. Now, across the street from the 16401 address, at 16440 Ventura, Terry York had a small Jaguar dealership which operated until Jaguar Cars dealers became "centralized" in the late 80's, This was totally different from Frank Millards shop at 15631. Bill

Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Mon, 06/14/2010 - 18:15

William the records show that the dealership in 1984 to Terry York Motors at 15800 Ventura Blvd (pretty close don't ya think?) and was still listed in 1986. I will not argue about the correct address but Jaguar thought it was at 15531 in several publications over several years. (taken from Jaguar sales and service centers in North and Central America--several years). So william when Terry York opened his dealership on the same block nothing was transferred? If so fine but unusual.

Submitted by bonnettoboot@e… on Mon, 06/14/2010 - 17:43

Hello George, it wasn't a dealership, and the address was 15631, it was taken over by an employee, Harry Nicoll who ran it till the around 1982/3. It was then taken over by Frank Mclain, a very good friend of mine, who is still there, just a mile from my shop. One of Harrys' sons works for a jaguar shop in Los Angeles. Bill

Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Mon, 06/14/2010 - 15:38

You are welcome Michelle--I wish you well in your quest. Do keep us posted. Michelle Jaguarus is the item number of a book we sell here in the shoppe. It has several pics of RR with Jaguar folks and cars!

Submitted by racmac@sbcglobal.net on Mon, 06/14/2010 - 15:33

Thanks all for the information! I've searched this morning and even hit up a Google Earth for that address and there doesn't appear to be a dealership (of any kind) at that address any longer. Interestingly enough however, after you mentioned Frank Millard, I dug up the pictures I have of the vehicle and sure enough, it's a Frank Millard license plate frame on the rear plate. So you may be onto something there! I was in contact with a dealership in AZ that had a master mehcanic that used to work for the Millard dealership, but alas, he is no longer there. They did refer me to the Peterson Automotive Museum in Los Angelese however, so am currently waiting for a call back. Would be great to find someone who worked for Millard during that time frame.

I have been in contact with the Roy Rogers Estate/Trust and they have confirmed that he did own Jaguarus but couldn't find documentation on ones that he might have owned. George - your thought about the dealer demo may be right on target, but may be hard to prove out.

Nevertheless, I do appreciate all your feedback and I'll keep you posted as the mystery unfolds!

Thanks ~

Submitted by bonnettoboot@e… on Mon, 06/14/2010 - 14:38

George & Michelle, Frank Millard has been gone for over 30 years, if it is that important it may be better to try Roy's fan club although, when I knew him he knew I had a Jaguar repair shop but never mentioned having one.