Did Jaguar ever build an Overdrive for the 120? I know they did for the 140 and the 150. I've gone over the wiring diagrams with a fine tooth comb and can not find one.

Mark Atkinson

Submitted by rahnz@rogers.com on Wed, 06/23/2010 - 20:47


if Jaguar would have offered this as a factory fitment, it would likely have added something to the parts book. It would have required a different prop shaft, rear mount, possibly floor boards and trans cover as well as wiring and a switch. Probably other items as well.

This is not definitive by any means, just my opinion.


Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Sat, 06/19/2010 - 09:09

Mark the 120 frame does not allow for an overdrive but it has been done by folks. It requires a serious hunk of the frame at the "X" needs to removed and reinforced. So did Jaguar offer it to the public or did Jaguar ever do it--two different questions but the answers is are and who knows but I will do a little research..