Hello, all. I've recently purchased a '94 XJ-S V12 and must say, I love it. My next Jaguar car will inevitably be an XKE and I am curious what the best model year for this car was. This is new territory for me. I know British Leyland made really lousy cars historically, but I do not know much about BMH or Jaguar Cars' independent building abilities. Just trying to do my homework on this so any help or advice you could offer up would be brilliant. Ideally I would get one from each series, but unfortunately money does not grow on trees...a problem I'm sure we're all familiar with. Thanks again.

Submitted by NE40-48370 on Mon, 06/28/2010 - 17:04

Not sure if advertising is allowed here, but as it's directly relevant to Patrick's request (5th & 6th ones down) maybe it will help him. If not, apologies and I won't do it again.



Submitted by howardbollinge… on Sun, 06/27/2010 - 18:28


The most important thing, buy a good solid car. If you like the 1.5 series go for it.

Have someone who really knows that series car and what is involved in fixing certain things look it over with you. Do not do it alone. XKEDATA.com is a great site to just peruse all the different E types.

The immediate emotional attachment can blind us sometimes and make us less objective. Many cars are good from far but far from good!

There are enough cars out there to be choosy and patient. I have a 1961 OTS I've owned for 40 years. You can see it on XKEDATA.COM car # 875864 Good luck Howard Bollinger

Submitted by DavidBarnes71@… on Sun, 06/27/2010 - 09:45

My only real experience is with my 1968 Series 1.5 so I am probably not a very good person to answer this. I think it really depends on what you like best about each model and I have never seen a discussion that one year was better than another quality-wise especially 35+ years later.

I like the look of the Ser. I FHC best myself so that is what I started looking at. I hear the 3.8 revs better than the 4.2 but the 3.8 has the non-synchro gear box and generator rather than alternator. To me the 4.2 had the things I wanted most so that is primarily what I shopped for. When I saw the '68 I bought had no rust at all I decided it was close enough since it still had the looks of the Ser. I only without the headlight covers.

In hindsight I think it was the best car for my situation. Even though it does not have the 3 SU carbs of the earlier years which I wanted, it does have the twin fan Ser. II cooling system which I think is better for the Houston climate. So for me I think the Ser. 1.5 offers the best combination of things for how I use my E.

My advise is to study the features of each year and decide what combination you like best and go from there. They are all wonderful cars.


Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Sun, 06/27/2010 - 09:28

Patrick that question qould require a million responses and there would still be no answer. BMHand BL had little effect on Jaguar efforts and quality except in "Corporate parts buying" and labor issues. Any good E all these years later has been sorted out and any short commings from the factory has long since been corrected--so we are left with what are you looking for in a car. Perhaps if we knew that someone could make meaningful comments,