I have an 1989 XJS with 95,000 mls it runs great cold or warm as long as I don't shut it off or if I drive several hours first before turning it off and restarting. But If I run it for 20 to 30 minutes a short trip, shut it off and restart the car, I get a low idle and it will keep dyeing out on me. I also notice very poor oil pressure after a short trip restart. any ideas any one?

Submitted by hannah.cole@ne… on Thu, 07/08/2010 - 07:34

There was a 1990 recall for this car---it required the addition of a second fuel pump in series to overcome a pressure by heating problem. It took me several months to find this out and thanks to a great mechanic he found the recall notice and solved my problem. give me a fax number and I will fax the "fix" to you soonest.

Thomas Cole
Lakefield Ontario
705-652-8161 office

652-5171 home