If your bonnet was never re-painted, the body number is on the inside of the headlight "sugar scoop" , in crayon. You have to take out the turn light and explore with a mirror and light. I don't know which side it's on. Check back here with all 4 numbers and we can tell you if they make sense. Sometimes engines, trans., and even bonnets are replaced from parts cars.


Submitted by phil19564@1usa.com on Sun, 10/24/2010 - 18:47

If you have the 2 side dash panels off ( glove box on right and speedo/tach on left), the body number is on the back of each put on with a pencil. It's on the bare steel. Most times it's not readable, but you can give it a shot.


Submitted by benjaminsigns@… on Mon, 10/18/2010 - 22:48

Hi Phil the car is completley apart. the bonnet and headlight scoops are repainted, the chassis number is on the front frame by the right shock. also the same chassis number is on the left side windshield post on a tab that is visible through the windshield when the windshield is in. chassis number is 1R26421 the motor number is 7R5423-9 and gearbox number is KE6523, the body number that was behind the stainless finish panel on the body is gone, the car was rear ended at some point. the interesting point of the car is that it has a steel sunroof that drops and slides back into the roof electricaly, not a wabasto, it has a bosch motor and I hear that was Jaguar spec. with the headliner out it looks like it was done when it was built. I do remember reading in the late 60s about a E type that the factory tried this modification in. I believe it was Road & Track. I am going to apply for a Heritage certificate and request a body number if that is possible. any suggestion would be appreciated. thanks Roger

Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Fri, 10/15/2010 - 15:45

The number is not on the trim panel--it is on the body behind--but if the body has been repaired there--oh well--you could always takl to the Archives at Mahwah (Jaguar)--if you supply the other numbers they might provide the body--ask for Gloria or Mike--you can ask for a build sheet or (Heratige Certificate) on this site in the library or call 201-818-8144 on Tues or Thurs--Roger you get a big break if you are a JCNA member!