Perhaps someone can tell me which is proper. My E-Type was built 8 Sept 1966 but as it was first sold 20 Dec 1967 and is listed as a 67' on my title. Do I call it a 1966 or a 1967? The car is # 1E76775 and I have the Heritage Certificate. Thanks for any help, Don

Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Sun, 11/07/2010 - 19:20

S would be standard. MC was a US term which meant all the bells and such. Your car should have a "C" head--fog lights, and twin exhaust. You should consider buying the XK240 guide in the shoppe here at JCNA--very well priced and will answer all of your questions. Go to JCNA publications in the shoppe and buy JS140.

Submitted by curtcronkhite@… on Sun, 11/07/2010 - 19:05

XK140 OTS, 1956...
I am always asked if MC or "S" Chasis?I have no idea how to determine or what is difference in S or MC? How to determine?

Chasis # s811068
Body F11087
Engine G2343-8S
Gearbox JL26649

Also own 1950 MKV DHC LHD & 1961 MKII 3.8 all in SoCal.

Can someone advise or point me in right direction to determine? Many thanks

Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Fri, 11/05/2010 - 09:29

Doug all you said is true --so is what Peter said and me too. The title states a year--Jaguar advertised some changes for a MY. Stock on hand could change MY during that period. I think the point is not to change the title but to more accurately reflect what the car is more likely to be seen as. You can not muddy the water as there is and will never be one answer.

Submitted by dougdwyer1@com… on Fri, 11/05/2010 - 09:26

Coming in late and I know darn little about older Jags.

George, you said:
" if you want to be totally proper you need to look at the Jaguar stated changes for MY1967."

Am I to assume from this discussion that Jaguar didn't assign model year designations to the cars themselves but did use a model year reference when describing changes?

In other words, a Jag is built sometime in '66 an isn't assigned a model year by the factory...yet factory literature makes reference to "model year" changes ?

I'm asking, not arguing.

My understanding ...ha ha ha....has been that the USA distributor decided model year breakpoints on the USA cars. (Did Jaguar Cars USA exist then or were they still being sold by a couple different distributorships?)

Sorry if I'm muddying the waters even more


Submitted by NE40-48370 on Fri, 11/05/2010 - 03:48

Hi Don - I understnd about the model year thing and from about August onwards Jag built models for the next year but in my case the car was built in Aril, despatched same month and sold in m
May so even with global warming that does not equal Fall.... I think the mistake would not have been made at the IL DMV because in May surely they would not be giving 67 titles, but it's possible that some paperwork was missed or screwed up and it only got properly titled at the second owner's DMV submission by which time it would have been aprropriate to asign the next year that fall.

In your case my query is not with Fall but that your car allegedly took so long to sell. The 2+2 ended up outselling other models in the USA and was still a popular car at that time. Sure, by the time the E-type ended they were sitting around on dealer lots as thirsty cars in an expensive age, but in 67?

If it was built for the US market in Sept 66 it will have arrived in the US in October. Give it another month to reach the dealer (maybe) and that still leaves 13 months sitting around waiting to sell, at a time when the model was going very well??? I am sceptical, put it that way, that December 67 was when it truly was first sold. Registered maybe, titled, maybe, but first used from new? I have my doubts. I just wonder if there is a gap that would be covered by a dealer using it themselves or maybe even Jaguar as a fleet demonstrator or some other way of it staying 'in the trade' rather than being officially sold to the public.

Submitted by NE40-48370 on Fri, 11/05/2010 - 03:46

Hi Don - I understnd about the model year thing and from about August onwards Jag built models for the next year but in my case the car was built in Aril, despatched same month and sold in m
May so even with global warming that does not equal Fall.... I think the mistake would not have been made at the IL DMV because in May surely they would not be giving 67 titles, but it's possible that some paperwork was missed or screwed up and it only got properly titled at the second owner's DMV submission by which time it would have been aprropriate to asign the next year that fall.

In your case my query is not with Fall but that your car allegedly took so long to sell. The 2+2 ended up outselling other models in the USA and was still a popular car at that time. Sure, by the time the E-type ended they were sitting around on dealer lots as thirsty cars in an expensive age, but in 67?

If it was built for the US market in Sept 66 it will have arrived in the US in October. Give it another month to reach the dealer (maybe) and that still leaves 13 months sitting around waiting to sell, at a time when the model was going very well??? I am sceptical, put it that way, that December 67 was when it truly was first sold. Registered maybe, titled, maybe, but first used from new? I have my doubts. I just wonder if there is a gap that would be covered by a dealer using it themselves or maybe even Jaguar as a fleet demonstrator or some other way of it staying 'in the trade' rather than being officially sold to the public.

Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Thu, 11/04/2010 - 22:26

Don thank Steve Kennedy too--he did the searching on the keys--I sort of helped. They are beautiful though!! You hang in there with your treatments--my thoughts are with you. You are right about the titles but it can be done--I would study the judges guides and see if your car has more 66 or 67 features--they are few and subtle but there are some. Hint--start with your shifter lever gauntlet.

Submitted by on Thu, 11/04/2010 - 22:08

First to George Camp; I opened the mail today and now have a very cool key in the ingnition on the 2+2. It made my day as I'm doing some radiation and it leaves me a bit down. The locksmith did the job for free as he thought the key was super (It only took about 30 seconds) and he liked the car. Thanks a bunch. Second to Pete Crespin; In the States most car model years start in the early fall as the next years model, not much sense in it but there you are. Once the car's titled it is almost impossible to change the model date as I found out when I tryed to do that with my MG as it was built in Sept. 1952 but it's titled as a 53. I'm trying to find the owner history of the Jag and what was done to the car over the years. Only two owners before me and I have the first owners adress, it's fun to do the search and might learn something useful.........Cheers..........Don

Submitted by NE40-48370 on Thu, 11/04/2010 - 16:38

How do you know it wasn't sold until December 67 Don, or that this was the first sale/ I wouldn't trust the documents too much [I know, G!eorge will kill me for saying that :-) ]

My 66 2+2 was built on April 2nd and dispatched to the USA on the 27th. These cars were selling pretty well. My title says 67 but that's rubbish as i met the first owner and he told me he bought it for his wife off the showroom floor in Chicago as it was their launch display model in May. He said it had a sign over the car 'England Sends us her Queen'. Anyhow, with those two dates from the certificate identifying it as one the the launch batch or second wave and an owner who knows when he bought it new it was still listed on my Kentucky title as a 67 - go figure. The first owner only kept it about six months and it went down south as he put it. whether there was a snafu at the kentucky DMV or some other office who registered it towards the end of the year and therefore put it down as a 67 at that time. I have the last US title in the name of John Carpenter. It had University of Kentucky stickers on it dated 1972 IIRC and that when John Carpenter the horror movie director was at the same university. I din't find any blood or bullet holes though.



Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Thu, 11/04/2010 - 11:56

The title is just a reflection of the Model year--(MY)and when it was sold. Dealers in the US were allowed to carry over models if there were no significant changes and sell them as the following year-(no longer possible). As you have said the car was built in 1966 but late so if you want to be totally proper you need to look at the Jaguar stated changes for MY1967. In this case it might be your call. Take a look at the changes in the JCNA Series 1 judges guide and see where you fall. Good luck.