Thank you Otto for the pics and your info I see it clearly and understand the conx now with a negative ground I have moved the white wire to the postive side of the Lucas Sports coil. It still will not start nor does it produce any spark with the coil wire touch to engine.My tests on the system before I heard from you indicated 12 volts from the battery to the coil,,,but now Im wondering if I got a false reading at the coil because I had the White ign wire conx to the neg side of the coil instead of the pos.....I dont know if that will make a difference in deternmining if the coil tests good or not....Ill go runthe test again. Maybe the coil has been damaged while trying to start the car withthe ign white reversed. The other possibility is that the primary conx from the coil to the distrib is a Carbon Coil Wire that is faulty...I did try testing the wire ....ohms as I recall ...and it showed current psdding thru but Im not sure what the corrent mesurement is. How can I test that conx...can I conx some wire by hand and glove from coil to the distributor as test? Im a little rusty on this even though Ihave owned this car since 1970 and have been the only one working on it...It was up on blocks for 4 years and a friend of mine from Oxnard Calf came over to visit the islands and we put it back together and got it started with reg points....but when we put the Pertronix in wounldnt start. Well we may have have the wire wrong all along!! Thank you and Aloha John

Submitted by ohanamakai@haw… on Sat, 11/20/2010 - 23:30

Thanks for the pics ..we have the same distributor and it looks like I have my pertronix installed like your in the last pic.....I attached my ground wire directly to one of the screws on the at Pertronix said that it was OK that way....I tried to attach a pic of my distributor ...but I not sure if it will get to you ...Im not familiar with putting pics on this web site yet....but if you cant see it I will give you my E mail and you can send be a message if you want and I can return it with the picture....I have tried my old coil which should be still good...and it did not start....I will try it again and see what happens...Also when I first installed the looked like your 1st attempt...attached with one screw....I also didnt think it would work with that much of a gap....and I realized after moving the bottom plate that I could get the correct gap and also found the where the second screw went to attach the Pertronix... Eamil John

Submitted by NE08-63766 on Sat, 11/20/2010 - 20:10

Maui John,
The Pertronix unit being electronic & you connecting up the leads reversed may have blown the unit. You should try & give Pertronix a call & explain what happened, tel.# 909-599-5955
Go to my album @:
look at the last photo, it should look like that with a .030 air gap. The previous photo shows the wrong plate for the module & I had to send the complete distr. back to Pertronix & they corrected their mistake & also set it up on the test stand.
I looked for my instruction sheet so I could send it to you because mine was for the NEG grd. module but couldn't find it. Did you try hooking up anohter coil? I replaced mine with the Pertonix coil. Can you send me a photo of the distr. with the cap off?

Regards, Otto M.

Submitted by ohanamakai@haw… on Sat, 11/20/2010 - 00:17

Otto I just went and ran some tests again keeping in mind that the directions in my Manual and Diagrams are probably based on positve ground.

The starter switch under the hood cranks the engine fine

I ran a volt test from the end of the lead white coil wire end that conx to the + side of the coil to earth and got 12.4v

w/o conx the w wire back on the coil.....I tested from the A3 terminal to earth and got 12.4v

Next ..I tested between the - Neg Terminal to earth and got ..12.4

Next I disconx the (low tension RED wire from the coil + side earthand got 0 volts.

I dont know if these tests were valid as they were all done with the Pertronix conx and not the points.

Still no spark from the end of the grafite wire to ground.....

Im thinking if there is no spark from the coil wire that neither the points or the Pertronix will start the car......John 58 xk 150 roadster