Dear Jag owners . I have a 1973 Jag V-12 Coupe with a BW 12 (Borg Warner) auto transmission , 20,300 original miles that is shifting late on the up and clunky on
the down. Also leaking bad. There is a black strip modulator on it and many
say it usually has a blue strip modulator. Does anyone know for sure what's
correct or have similar issues that I might learn from. Anyone know a good
source for Borg Warner 12 Transmission parts? Will a Blue Strip properly
adjusted fix this? I live in KS any technically competent BW 12 guys anyone knows I can look up.

Submitted by bonnettoboot@e… on Tue, 12/07/2010 - 21:23

I wouldn't worry about the colour of the modulator as it would not cause the problems you describe but, make sure it has a vacuum feed and there is no oil coming from the vacuum connector. As for the problems, this is a very simple transmission of Ford design, find an established tranny shop and let them adjust it for you.