Assimilation of Land Rover Owners into JCNA
Your JCNA leadership and the delegates to the recent AGM enthusiastically supported asking Land Rover owners to join JCNA. Adding Land Rover to the Jaguar marque would increase our membership and diversify our club activities. Some clubs have already integrated Land Rover into their annual concours with excellent outcomes.
There are many Land Rover clubs, but there has yet to be a unifying entity (like JCNA) for them. We're not asking Land Rover owners to forfeit any current memberships they may have. We're just inviting them to join JCNA and show their machines off alongside ours and participate in all our local club activities such as meetings, parties, trips, tours, and informative sessions.
The strategy for implementation would start with JCNA clubs that have amiable relationships with their local JLR dealerships, reaching out to Land Rover/Range Rover/Discoverer enthusiasts in their area. These folks would be encouraged to join our clubs. For now, in order to comply with our Bylaws, each new member must be an owner of a Jaguar, or interested in Jaguar automobiles. If the acceptance of this venture is strong, Bylaws may need to be updated.
As the base of Land Rover owners increases, JCNA will need to develop additional class structures in our competition programs to meet the needs of this new sector. Local clubs could try to develop activities targeting Land Rover vehicles that are also of interest to Jaguar members.
If the inclusion of Land Rover owners is of interest to your club, please contact Southeast Regional Director, Dr. Craig Kerins,, 706-726-0434. Dr. Kerins is heading up a committee to advise your board as to the direction we need to go to make this venture appealing to Land Rover owners and mutually beneficial to all involved.
The cost to a Land Rover owner would be the same as a Jaguar owner. They would pay local club and JCNA membership costs. This fun and exciting undertaking will require a concerted grassroots effort by many people. Are you up to the challenge?
John A Boswell II
JCNA President