4th Quarter Annual Dues Change

Posted By JCNA_Webmaster on 28 Sep 2022

Modification For Annual Dues For New JCNA Members Joining During The 4th Calendar Quarter

As president of Jaguar Clubs of North America (JCNA), I am pleased to announce the latest benefit for our affiliates.  Effective immediately, the board has modified the annual dues for new members joining in the 4th quarter to a 15 month membership. The cost for members joining in the 4th quarter of any year will be based on 25% of the current membership year’s dues, plus 100% of the dues for the following year. The current annual dues are $40, making the cost of the 15 month membership in 2022, $50.00. This membership fee extends the 4th quarter applicant’s membership to December of the following year.

Based upon past surveys, this modification addresses an issue that is prevalent in many clubs. Prior to this modification, some clubs would hold 4th quarter applications until January, in order to avoid having new members pay full price for just 3 months. This change will assure that 4th quarter applications can be processed upon receipt, and that new members immediately receive the JCNA benefits to which they are entitled, including insurance and the activation of their Jaguar Journal subscription.

As stated above, this policy is effective in the 4th quarter of 2022. Affiliate clubs are required to send $50.00 (U.S. funds) for all new member applications processed in this quarter.  Clubs sending in new member applications in the amount of $40.00 will be billed the additional $10.00 per application.


John A Boswell  II
