ÔÇÿ 69 E-Type -- Old girl has been sitting too long and has junk in carbs (Zenith Stromberg) so engine wonÔÇÖt start/idle. Previously IÔÇÖve had the carbs ÔÇ£refurbishedÔÇØ locally (removed them, dropped them off, picked them up, put them back on the car) and it took several evenings of adjustment/tinkering to get the car to run in an acceptable way ÔÇô bit of a pain. So, this time IÔÇÖm wondering whether to do A) something similar to last time, B) take it to a mechanic (classic Jaguar specialist) who can handle the complete job, or C) have the carbs ÔÇ£rebuiltÔÇØ and then provide the carbs to the mechanic for ÔÇ£tuningÔÇØ the carburetion? Also, does anyone know of a suitable mechanic (trustworthy as well as competent) in the San Francisco Bay Area for options B) or C); and if I go with option A) or C) can anyone suggest where to take/send the carbs? Thank you.