
our 120 roadster is riding low in the rear. Measured by the frame method, it is a little over 1 inch low. The car is largely original so I suspect the springs are also. They are of the type with the tapered and shaped lower springs.

To fix this problem, I need to get new springs of have the ones we have refurbished.

Has anyone out there (I bet there are!) with experience with this they could share? Good or bad - all welcome.

Thanks in advance,


Submitted by mcfoo@columbus… on Sat, 08/09/2008 - 13:04

They can be re-arched, although one of the guys I took mine to said he couldn't do "metric" springs, so be wary when telling them what they're from. I have also bought replacement springs, but they were not an exact match, although the dealer claimed they were. They fit the car, but I could not install spring gaiters.

Get both done, and replace the bushes. They're the same as Jeep, if I recall...