At the April AGM, a sample draft of the XK 120 Judging Guide was passed around and everyone liked it. I said at that time that I would need everyoneÔÇÖs help to complete it and everyone seemed enthustiac about helping. I have created a web version of the guide and it is located on the, concours page, down below the Protest Committee reports and at the top of the Judging Guides.

It is a DRAFT. There is lots of stuff that is still incomplete. There are LOTS of wrong photos. Please donÔÇÖt tell me, ÔÇ£ThatÔÇÖs WrongÔÇØ. Send me a high res photo of whatÔÇÖs right.

Next to each photo is a reference number. Please refer to it when providing improved information. If you can provide more detailed information for a photo as to what a Judge should look for, please send that, along with the photo reference number.

This is a Judging Guide, not a restorerÔÇÖs guide. I donÔÇÖt care what the correct muffler bearings are, they are not a judged item. This guide needs to point out what a Judge is to look at when judging that area of the car.

This guide needs to cover everything on the scoresheet so a Judge can quickly refer to an item that he/she sees on that scoresheet.

The guide is broken down to follow the scoresheet. If the scoresheet calls for ÔÇ£Arm RestsÔÇØ and the model being referred to in the guide does not have them, that item is still addressed as ÔÇ£None of the XK 120 models are fitted with arm rests.ÔÇØ

Once this guide is complete and accepted by the JCRC, a printed version will be available from the JCNA shoppe.

There is also going to be a test on the XK 120 Judging Guide when it is complete. If you have a suggestion for a test question, please send it as well.

Please send your photos, one high res per email or it will choke my machine, and text to:
Steve Kennedy