
If you hadn't noticed, we have set up a page here on our website for folks to wish Norman Dewis a Happy 90th Birthday! You will enjoy reading a little about him, and he will love hearing from you...so please take a minute to stop by and drop him a note:


Special note from Terry Larson...

Few people have contributed so much to the motoring industry as Norman and nobody contributed more to Jaguar's success than him. A quote from Paul Skilleter in his book on Norman states it very well. "Norman became one of the world's most respected test development engineers due to a very special talent for assessing the handling, steering and braking qualities of a car, an enormous capacity for hard work, outstanding organizational ability, and a terrier-like tenacity in achieving objectives with Jaguars minimal resources. If anyone was at the heart of Jaguar during its most remarkable decades of achievement, it was Norman Dewis."

Among his many achievements are his speed record of 172.4 MPH at Jabbeke in an XK 120, doing 192 MPH down the Mulsanne straight at LeMans in a D Type in 1955 and the development of the disc brakes in 1952. He has done a great deal and has an endless number of stories.

Ten years ago, I arranged a website such as this to allow people to send their best wishes for his 80th. He was coming to the Monterey Historics shortly after his birthday to race my D Type and stayed with us in our motorcoach in the pits. I printed off several hundred letters and put them in a 3 ring binder to present the surprise to him. The enjoyment he got reading the letters each night before he went to sleep made it clear he could not have received a better birthday gift. He will once again be at Monterey with us in August and I would like to do the same this year. Please take a few moments to send your best wishes, it will be greatly appreciated. If you know anyone else who may want to contribute please feel free to forward this to them as well.

If anyone would like to also send a card or gift, please send it to me and I will present everything to him in Monterey August 12th as well.

My address is:
2929 N. 82nd St., Mesa, AZ. 85207

Thank you,

Best Regards,
Terry Larson
480 984 8501