my recently widowed aunt has 2 jaguars she needs to sell. one is a 1966 and the other is 1965.
The '66 is in running condition and I think it is an e or x type. the '65 is in pieces in the garage. Neither one of us know much about classic cars and even less about how to sell them. can someone give us some guidance, please? Any info would be greatly appreciated.
I can be reached at jasmin75ataol.com


Submitted by CaptDMO@AOL.com on Wed, 07/04/2007 - 13:45

60 MkIX
72 XKE V12 2+2
78 Series2 XJ12L
Wow, A bit more information would be helpful.
Where can the cars/parts be seen?
Who was the owner? JCNA member?
How did you happen to find this site to post to?

These, amongst other questions I suppose, posted here, may
help move things along for your aunt, with
professional, duffer, and otherwise expert input!