I will be documenting the restoration of my XKE in detail on a
hobby website http://thiscrazygarage.com/64xke.html

I had found one S1 E-type restoration site, and it has been very helpful. If there are others out there I would like to both have the adresses to reference and to provide a link on my site for others.

Any help appreciated,

Curtis Wood

Submitted by silver007@shaw.ca on Thu, 05/03/2007 - 22:35

Art Dickenson.
1983 XJS GT "Silver"
Pacific Jaguar.ca

Hi Curtis,
if you need any info on the E Type resto project Dick@Coventry west did his E Type and has all of it doc. on a dvd I believe, Dick is a great guy, and even has the knack of getting around the JCNA Slalom very quickly these days.
Respectfully, Art