
Clearly you have tons of experience and knowledge, which many of us (i.e. *me*) are still in the process of acquiring (*especially* me!). I have a couple of questions, at least one of which might sound "combative", but I don't mean it that way - it simply stems from lack of knowledge. So I'm going to stick with just that one for now.

You said, "If your wiring is butchered, it won't work." And then went on to say that the 1-wire alt "upgrade" eliminates "13 wires, relay, 3way relays and tiny dummy lights on the dash." How is this not similar to "butchering" the wiring? Or was this meant to be a humorous remark and I just completely missed the humor?

Ok, a couple more:

Is this 1-wire ALT upgrade for a particular series of E? Or for all?
Finally, would you have any instructions, schematics, diagrams, photos for someone who is "electrically challenged"?

Thanks, and go easy - I'm still learning! :-)