My 1969 roadster will be needing a valve job this winter due to low compression on a couple of cylinders. My first question is weather to pull the head myself and send it out to Terry's Jaguar (I have not worked on an engine since 1966) to have everything done. OR should I just let a local technician who really knows high performance engines pull the head and send it out to be resurfaced, valves ground etc.? What would it typically cost me to have someone like Terry's do the complete head? If I give the job to the local technician, what might it cost me at $64 per hour labor to have the entire job done and over with? Will I typically run into OTHER problems when the valve job is complete due to the higher compression? I would appreciate any suggestions and comments.

Jaguar XKE, roadster, 1969

Submitted by NE52-32043 on Mon, 09/20/2004 - 15:10


Consider contacting Bill Bassett at Bassett's Jaguar in Rhode Island. Bill's a great mechanic and could probably help you out. Also, check with the folks at JANE. They may be able to recommend a shop in your area, or New Hampshire or eastern Mass. that could help you out.

Steve Weinstein