I'm learning to drive stick on my e-type (and now you know what a novice I am :)

I'm doing great and loving it, but still on occasion stall getting going in first gear - and a couple of times I've had trouble re-starting the car from there. I definitely flooded the engine a time or two but that's not it every time.

My father-in-law mechanic had a similar issue re-starting at a time when the fuel pump (replaced now) was the cause for a stall. He thinks that when the engine is hot that the gas vaporizes before it can fire and/or that pressure from the heat holds the fule back from getting to the carburetor....that it needs to cool off a little bit before it can re-start. He thought out loud that maybe insulating the fuel line could help. Hum.... I can't imagine that the xk engine has issues starting when hot after a stall. Maybe it really is just me - but does this sound familiar to any of you?? A symptom of another issue I'm unaware of? All thoughts are appreciated.