I am installing a set of "Top Locking Pin Seals" on my 95 XJS 2+2 and am stymied as to how they line up horizontally. The part numbers are BEC5578 and BEC 5579. Just for clarity these are seals that fit into the holes that receive the pins that aline the top in the corners of the windshield. I have never noticed the seals on any car so I have no reference. Any description or a picture would really be appreciated. Thanks in advance for everyone's help.

Submitted by stevejag@sbcgl… on Tue, 09/11/2012 - 15:11

You threw me there for a minute, I knew those numbers sounded familiar......

Then it occurred to me, I think you meant BCC5578 and BCC5579. Yeah, those are buggers to get right if you don't have something to go by. Here's a couple of pic that might help.
