My 73 series III gauge typically runs near the top of the scale (about 2/3s up from the first hot line) yet when measuring the temp at the thermostat it is usually 185 degrees. Where could I get the gauge re calibrated?

Submitted by on Wed, 09/10/2014 - 22:48

Joe is correct to suspect the sender. I bought one recently that read 40F too high. The replacement was much closer to correct. You can calibrate it yourself by bringing a pot of boiling water to the car. Remove the sender (drain enough coolant to avoid a leak) and put it in the pot, still attached to the meter, along with an accurate thermometer. You will probably need to ground the sender case. As the water cools you can measure the meter against the thermometer. It's easy.

Bill Braun

Submitted by NE23-54945 on Wed, 09/10/2014 - 12:44

Try a new temp sending unit on the engine first.....IMHO.
Yours could just be cruded up and old. I bet you will see a difference.
Just my 2 pasos...