Well just when you thought you were covered--this comes up. The 2.4L saloon (AKA MK1) was offered in it's last days in 3 stages of tune. There was a publication issued for tuning the car to increase HP (a lot). I do not know the publication number but it was issued in the same format as the "special" tuning book for the E-Type. I have seen one but to e frank If we have one I can not find it LOL. So why do we need it--we have a JCNA member that has perhaps stumbled upon a "Stage 3" 2.4L car. We need to help him and the technical bulletins and the service bulletins are silent on this issue. Anyone that could provide a copy or a copy of a copy please respond here or send a copy to PublicationsJCNA.com. It is a small book but will be glad to cover costs. Thanks--George Camp
Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Wed, 04/27/2011 - 06:41
Submitted by bgrossman@mywdo.com on Tue, 04/26/2011 - 22:16
Technical helpline needs----HELP
George, I'd love to see Jaguar's Stage 3 2.4L mods! I know you'll find the book and when you do, I'd be most appreciative to have a look-see.
Bob Grossman
Bob I have now found 3 copies. The car is in your neck of the woods but we still need to check sn#. Will share though!