Hi, Anyone know if there is a reproduction tail light for a 39 SS 100?
I would like to find a pair.Just a shot in the dark on the odds of this being available!! thanks for your help.Best regards,Grandpa Marc.

Submitted by folsmont@hughes.net on Fri, 12/23/2011 - 10:01

Hi Brian,Thanks for your help.Mine is a reproduction replica that I am makeing as close to the original as possible.How do I get in touch with Wally? Thanks again.Best regards and MERRY CHRISTMAS from Grandpa Marc P.S. Where is Pound Ridge? I am originaly from Liberty New York.

Submitted by benistonebarn@… on Sun, 12/18/2011 - 14:23

Do you want them for a real SS100 or replica? You would be better off using restored originals if your 100 is real. I have many pairs of original Owls eye lamps,and reproductions are available from Wally in South Africa