I am trying to get my 72 xke v-12 running again after 25 years in storage. The Stromberg's are in poor shape and was wondering how difficult it would be to replace them with some SU's. Has anyone done this? If so what SU's? Any suggestions?
Thanks - Rusty

too many projects
71 XKE, 72 XKE and another 72 XKE
None Running

Submitted by NE52-32043 on Tue, 08/23/2005 - 12:11


I seem to remember seeing an ad in an XKs Unlimited catalogue that they were offering a conversion kit to put SU's on the V-12. It was very pricey, but might do what you want. The alternative is just to have the Strombergs rebuilt. When I had a '72 2+2 a few years back, I removed the carbs and sent them to Joe Curto in College Point, NY. He did a complete rebuild, and they came back looking brand new. Reinstalled them, tuned them, and they ran great. It's a much more reasonable alternative to converting to the SU's.

Steve Weinstein, JTC-NJ
'70 XKE FHC, '69 XKE OTS

Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Sun, 08/21/2005 - 19:42

It has been done. I take care of a 73 that is a one owner. He had it done in 75. It looks straight forward but there is a lot of plumbing to be blanked off. I am not sure but the insides of the intake may have to be milled as tou are going from 1.75 inches to 2 inches and the butterfly may strike. Stromburgs are seldom in non-rebuildable shape. George Camp